Monday, December 1, 2008

The Limited View of the News

Terrorist attacks occurred in Mumbai, India in the past week. There were over 200 deaths. How much coverage did this event get in the media eye? Close to none. CNN ran the event for 24 hours, but that was one of the only channels. Why is it that if death happens in other countries it's not as serious as when it happens in the United States? Like in a discussion in class, the 9-11 attack was overly publicized and on every station on television for months and months. And why? Because it's America. We are so dramatic when it comes to our country and our people. I'm not saying that the attack shouldn't have been publicized. I just think that it's ridiculous when events similar to that happen in other parts of the world and aren't publicized and aren't taken seriously just because it isn't happening here. How are U.S. citizens supposed to be informed when our source of news is controlled again by a select few who choose what they want society to see? How are Americans supposed to have a valid view and comprehension of the world and its issues when the coverage on them is slight and distorted? The attack in India is just one example of how the media has a limited view.

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