Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Swan

I could have a never-ending conversation on how television is trash that people are quickly engulfing. Another television show that was particularly disturbing was Fox's reality show, The Swan. The concept of this show was centered around female contestants, who believed they had several bodily flaws that caused them to be unattractive. What Fox's The Swan would offer these women, if they were chosen, was a chance to become beautiful. That's right. The show paid for these contestants to have numerous plastic surgeries done. I mean we're talking about operations you've never heard of. Tummy tucks, pinning of the ears, liposuction, breast augmentations, breast lifts, face lifts, chin implants, calf implants, fat removal under the eys, cheek implants, and butt implants. Not only do these contestants have these surgeries completed, but they also have dental work done if they need it. Even lasik surgery. After these contestants undergo these procedures, they are put on a weight and exercise plan with their own personal trainer. The contestants also are given a makeup, hair, and dress makeover. All of these women are preparing for one day, which is the day of their paegant. In the meantime, the contestants are not allowed to look at themselves in a mirror. If they do, they're disqualified. When the final day comes, all of the contestants dress up in formal gowns and reveal themselves to the audience and to themselves. The show and tell is just half of the show. These women are competing for the title of The Swan. Only one will win, the woman with the best makeover. The one who is most beautiful now.
It's pretty sad really. I mean these women go through all of these terrible, painful operations to live up to society's standards of beautiful just to be rejected and to be told, "Yeah, well you're still not the prettiest." This show encourages woman to change themselves. To not be happy with who and what they are. These woman lose themselves because they're no longer the same person after the surgeries. Most of them are required to go through therapy to cope with their physical and mental changes. To read more on this visit Go to plastic surgery in the archive section. The pictures are of The Swan 1 winner, Rachel Love-Fraser, 27.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Writer of this article: get over yourself. Lots of women have cosmetic procedures done for their own pleasure. Stop spreading misinformation that women who get cosmetic procedures are fragile mental cases. Their is absolutely nothing wrong with enhancing or minimizing ones features with cosmetic surgery. Do you go after people who get their teeth filed down for crowns or veneers? Or Bald men for getting hair implants?